Rick Vredenburg

E. W. “Rick” Vredenburg, III is a licensed real estate broker and the owner of Tobacco Plains Realty, Inc. and has sold real estate in the Tobacco Valley for over 20 years. He specializes in recreation/waterfront, residential and development property. Rick has lived and worked in the Eureka area for over 50 years, raising a family, running the family ranch, storage units and machine shop. He is a graduate of the University of Utah with majors in Psychology and Biology and minors in business & music with several years of graduate school in neurophysiology.
Office 406.297.7253 • Cell 406.249.3109 • Email Rick
Xyane Vredenburg

Xyane (pronounced Zane) was born and raised in Eureka Montana, attended local Lincoln County High School & was involved in several sports especially playing several years of American Legion Baseball for the Tobacco Valley Rangers. He started working as a secretary and assistant for this father when he turned 16 and obtained his real estate sales license in 2013. When not managing the office he helps his father manage Windmill Storage & V.E., Inc. a machine shop which his grandfather started and his father continues to run and manage. In 2010 he met his lovely wife Stephanie & moved into their new home in May 2014 to start a family of their own.
Office 406.297.7253 • Cell 406.270.7692 • Email Xyane
Stephanie Winchester

Stephanie Winchester is originally from Boulder, Colorado and studied interior architecture at Arizona State University. She is a licensed real estate agent with Tobacco Plains Realty in Eureka, Montana. You will find her knowledge of the area, her positive attitude, and friendly personality a great combination to work with. Her extensive experience managing industrial properties and vacation rentals gives her a unique perspective when working with investors. Stephanie is always ready to dig in to help you prep and stage your property in order get the highest return on investment. Stephanie has extensive family in Flathead and Lincoln Counties and settled in Eureka after owning a vacation home here for many years. She considers being a mom of three amazing children to be her greatest achievement. Connecting people, making friends, being in nature and spending time with family are her favorite things. She loves the local community and is committed to bring her best with honesty, integrity and hard work. “Each buyer is unique, and each circumstance is different. I will work hard to find the ideal solution that works for every situation. As a trustworthy and local professional, I’m here to help you move on to the next phase of your life smoothly and successfully.” – Stephanie Winchester
Office 406.297.7253 • Cell 303.601.5233 • Email Stephanie
Tiffany Ecklund

Tiffany has over 36 years’ experience in the real estate industry. She provides the highest level of customer service and addresses her clients concerns so they always feel secure and comfortable when working with her. She will honor her fiduciary duty, uphold the highest code of ethics, and strive to exceed all her client’s real estate expectations. As Real Estate professional, she is responsible to give her clients real estate counsel and advice that will guide them to make educated decisions when buying and selling their home. She communicates and establishes a level of trust, maintains a professional business practice, and negotiates fairly and honestly with her colleagues. She strives to be a good citizen, support good works and charities by giving back to the community in which we live and practice business. Her strengths include listening and understanding her client’s needs with an extremely positive attitude, great enthusiasm, and the true love for this business. She will always instill her three more values of Integrity, Reliability, and Honesty to achieve both her client’s goals and her personal goals. Her client’s success is ultimately her own success. Doug is from Great Falls, Montana. He has over 40 years’ experience in the construction and real estate industry. He’s co owned real estate offices and has done several extensive remodels. Married to Tiffany Ecklund.
Office 406.297.7253 • Cell 760.832.4731 • Email Tiffany